Thursday, 22 August 2013

First batch of master castings arrives.

I'm happy to say that the first batch of master castings for my Kickstarter miniatures arrived today. It includes all of the standard troops and 75% of the head sprues. Griffin moulds did a fantastic job as ever so I'll be sending back some masters to make production moulds from while I get the greatcoated figures finished.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Full steam ahead...

Hello everyone and welcome to my project development blog. Many of you will have come here via the page for my first Kickstarter project, the project is funded and working toward fulfilment but head over and take a look if you're not familiar with my miniatures. The miniatures that are now half way to production are the first public step towards creating my own gaming system set in an alternate history of my imagining, I'll be using this blog to document the goings on that will bring that world to life. Please follow the blog and check back often if you're interested, I'll try to update at least a couple of times a week. 

That's all for my first post apart from to thank Dave Needham aka: Zhu for designing the "Steam and Aether" logo you can see at the top of the page, he was also responsible for designing the Meridian Miniatures logos for me. Whilst I'm just one person carrying out this project it's great to be able to call upon other talented folk in the gaming community to contribute towards realising my project.